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Miami-Dade County
Broward County
No Listed/ No Listado
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6 - Sixth Grade/ Sexto Grado
7 - Seventh Grade/ Septimo Grado
8 - Eighth Grade/ Octavo Grado
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Haitian-Creole/Criollo Haitiano
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Caribbean - Not Hispanic (Haitian, Jamaican, Other Islands)/Caribe - No hispano (Haitiano, Jamaicano, otras islas)
Hispanic or Latino - Caribbean (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican)/Hispano o Latino - Caribe (Cubano, Dominicano, Puertorriqueño)
Hispanic or Latino - Not Caribbean (Mexican, Central or South American)/Hispano o Latino - No Caribeño (Mexicano, Central o Sudamericano
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American Indian or Alaskan Native/Indio Americano o Nativo de Alaska
Black or African American/Negro o Afroamericano
Pacific Islander/Isleño del Pacífico
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If NO, we may be able to help you find affordable coverage-call 211 or visit Please note that The Children's Trust may Contact you via postal mail, email and/or text to ask about your satisfaction with these services, and to make you aware of other Trust-funded programs, initiatives and events you may be interested in.
Child's Insurance Information
If child has no current insurance coverage, please type N/A below for not applicable.
Parent/Guardian Information
Please be aware that you may be contacted by the Children's Trust to ask about your satisfaction with these services
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Married/- Casad@
Not Married/No casad@
Single Female/Mujer soltera
Single Male/Hombre soltero
Guardianship/Foster Care/Tutela / Cuidado de Crianza
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Child's Medical Information
We want to get to know your child better so we can provide the best possible experience in our programs. Please tell us more about your child. I give permission for this information to be submitted to the Trust for program quality/evaluation purposes.
Speaks and is easily understood/Habla y se entiende fácilmente
Speaks but is difficult to understand/Habla pero es difícil de entender
Uses communication devices like pictures or a board/utiliza dispositivos de comunicación como imágenes o un tablero
Uses gestures like pointing, pulling, smiling, frowning, or blinking/Usa gestos como señalar, tirar, sonreír, fruncir el ceño o parpadear
Uses sign language/utiliza el lenguaje de señas
Uses sounds that are not words like laughing, crying or grunting/usa sonidos que no son palabras como reír, llorar o gruñir
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Behavioral therapy or services/Terapia o servicios conductuales
Counseling for emotional concerns/Asesoramiento para preocupaciones emocionales
Daily medication (not including vitamins)/Medicación diaria (sin incluir vitaminas)
Occupational therapy (OT)/terapia ocupacional
Physical therapy (PT)/Fisioterapia
Special education services in school/Servicios educativos especiales en la escuela
Speech/language therapy/Terapia del habla/lenguaje
None of the above/ninguna de las anteriores
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Autism Spectrum Disorder/Trastorno del espectro autista
Developmental delay (only if under 5)/Retraso en el desarrollo (solo menores de 5 años)
Intellectual/developmental disability (over 5)/discapacidad intellectual y del desarrollo (mayores de 5 años)
Hearing Impairment or deaf/discapacidad auditiva o sorda
Learning disability (school age)/Discapacidad de aprendizaje (edad escolar)
Medical Condition or illness/condiciones médicas o enfermedad
Physical Disability/Discapacidad física
Problems with aggression or temper/Problemas con la agresión o el temperamento
Problems with attention or hyperactivity (ADHD/ADD)/Problemas de atención o hiperactividad (TDAH/TDA)
Problems with depression or anxiety/Problemas de depresión o ansiedad
Speech or language condition/Condición del habla o del lenguaje
Visual impairment or blind/Visual impermanente o ciego
None of the above/Ninguna de las anteriores
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No specific help needed/No se necesita ayuda específica
Managing feelings and behavior/Manejar sentimientos y comportamientos
Academic, learning or reading activities/Actividades académicas, de aprendizaje o de lectura
Using assistive device(s) like wheelchair, crutches, brace or walker/Usar dispositivos de asistencia como sillas de ruedas, muletas, aparatos ortopédicos o andador
Personal services like help with feeding, toileting or changing clothes/Servicios personales como ayudar con la alimentación, ir al baño o cambiarse de ropa
Holding a crayon/pencil, writing, using scissors or other fine motor tasks/Sostener un crayón o un lápiz, escribir, usar tijeras u otras habilidades motoras finas
Sports or physical activities like running or other gross motor taks/Deportes o otras actividades físicas como correr o otras tareas motoras gruesas
Adapting activities to take into account a visual or hearing impairment/Adaptación de actividades para tener en cuenta una imagen visual o auditiva impermeante
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Medication for Chronic Health/Medicamentos para la salud crónica
Medication for Hyperactivity/Medicamentos para la hiperactividad
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Bee Stings/Picaduras de abeja
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Sickle Cell Anemia/Anemia de células de la piel
Skin Condition/Condición de la piel
Seasonal Allergies/Alergias estacionales
Reaction to Sunlight/Reacción al sol
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EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE my child is in good health, has no medical, food, other chronic allergies or serious health conditions. My child does not take medication routinely and his/her immunizations are current. If there is anything else you consider we need to know about, to better understand and provide the necessary help your child deserves, please speak to your Site Supervisor. All information is kept confidential and stored in locked cabinets.
Child's Emergency Information
I understand that every effort will be made to reach me for instructions if my child should become ill or injured while on the site or on a field trip. If in the judgment of the staff or a medical professional, delay in reaching me might jeopardize my child's well-being, I hereby authorize the staff or medical professional to secure whatever medical treatment is deemed necessary, including the administration of anesthetics and surgery.
Emergency / Alternative Pick Up Contact Information:
If I cannot be reached, please contact my designated alternate(s) named below:
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Please note: Any Family or friends authorized to pick up your child, must have a valid picture ID for verification purposes. A copy of ID will be taken by site staff and placed in student's file for future confirmation. In the event that I, the legal guardian am not able to pick up my child on time, I will contact the site supervisor and will authorize her/him to release my child to the person(s) listed above.
Policy Information/Consent
Non-Discrimination Policy: Children without documented legal status, or whose parents are without documented legal status will not be discriminated against for selection in these programs. As with the Miami-Dade County Public School system, all children are welcome. Children with severe physical, emotional, or behavioral disabilities may find after-school programs specially designed to meet their needs through other programs, every effort will be made to find the most suitable placement for each child.
Parental Consent: By signing this application, I agree and certify to the following:
1. I acknowledge that the application information and medical information I have provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and ability.
2. Virtual Programming Consent
I DO authorize/Autorizo
I DO NOT authorize/No autorizo
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I DO authorize/Autorizo
I DO NOT authorize/No autorizo
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3. As the legal guardian of the child stated above, I DO authorize and give consent or I DO NOT authorize nor give consent to Be Strong Int'l staff, The Children's Trust, other BSI funders, or service providers to take/use still photographs, digital photographs, motion pictures, television transmission, and/or videotape recordings (hereinafter Recordings) of me, my children, or my wards for educational, research, documentary, and public relations purposes. Any such Recordings may reveal my identity through the image itself without any compensation to me, my children, or my wards. With regard to the use of any Recordings taken of me, my children of my wards, I hereby waive any and all present and future claims I may have against BE STRONG or TCT, and their staff, funders, service providers, employees, agents, affiliates and Board members.
I DO authorize/Autorizo
I DO NOT authorize/No autorizo
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4. I understand that participation by my children in the Program sponsored by Be Strong Int'l, The Children's Trust and its partners involves physical education, meals, and off-site field trips. As these activities may carry some degree of risk to my child's physical and emotional health, I hereby release, hold harmless and waive all claims associated with out-of-school/summer camp program activities from Be Strong, and the program site and all employees, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers associated with the out-of-school/camp program.
5. I understand that no medication/medial equipment will be administered by the afterschool personnel to my child without the "Authorization for Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication/Medial Equipment Form" signed by me as the parent/legal guardian. I also agree to provide instructions on how and when the medicine/medical equipment should be administered if my child were to need assistance with it. (Please , refer to the Family Handbook for more details).
6. As my child attends an Out-of-school (After-school) program primarily funded by The Children's Trust, acknowledge and understand that my child must adhere to all behavioral and policy driven rules and regulations the program sites require. Failure to abide by these rules, may lead to suspension and/ or removal of the program. I also acknowledge receipt of a written Family Handbook for this current program year, which details policies and procedures regarding my child and the program.
7. My child will be arriving and leaving from the site in the following manner (answer for both A and B below)
Walk home/Camina a casa
Pick up by parent/Guardian or Authorized Person/Recogida por el padre/madre o tutor o persona autorizada
By bus/van/En autobús o furgoneta
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Walk home
Pick up by parent/Guardian or Authorized Person
By bus/van
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8. I agree to make every effort to ensure that my child participates in the program daily unless he/she is too ill to attend. I also agree that he/she can sign themselves out at the end of the program.
9. I understand that I am responsible to pick up my child at the end of the program day, arrange for an authorized person to pick up my child, or approve for my child to walk home. Only those persons previously authorized in writing, may leave the premises with my child. I am aware that my child may be withdrawn from the program for consistent failure to pick-up my child at the end of the day. Each day programming ends at 6:00 PM at Richmond Heights Middle School, at 5:10 PM at Palm Glades Preparatory Academy and at 5:00 PM at Miramar Multi-Service Complex. I acknowledge that the program's Late Pick-up Policy/No Show Procedure is further detailed in the BSASC Family Handbook.
10. I understand that I need to call the program's Site Supervisor if my child is not attending on a particular day so that that Supervisor is aware that my child will not be showing up on that day.
11. I understand that I am releasing Richmond Heights Middle School, Palm Glades Preparatory Academy and/or Miramar Multi-Service Complex and Be Strong Intl. Youth Enrichment Program of any liability once my child has signed out from the program or leaves the program without signing out.
I give my permission for the information in this application to be submitted to The Children's Trust for program quality and evaluation purposes provides funding for the program. If you are interested in other services funded by The Children's Trust please call 211 or visit
I am signing that I have reviewed and agreed to all terms and conditions described in this application, all the program standards, Policies and Procedures and Parent Handbook: (Include First and Last Name) * I also acknowledge that I may be requested to provide a hand written signature or initial to this application prior to or upon the start of the program.