Be Strong After School Club Student Application
9. I understand that I am responsible to pick up my child at the end of the program day, arrange for an authorized person to pick up my child, or approve for my child to walk home. Only those persons previously authorized in writing, may leave the premises with my child. I am aware that my child may be withdrawn from the program for consistent failure to pick-up my child at the end of the day. Each day programming ends at 4:20 PM at Lake Stevens Middle School. I acknowledge that the program's Late Pick-up Policy/No Show Procedure is further detailed in the BSASC Family Handbook.
11. I understand that I am releasing Lake Stevens Middle and Be Strong Intl. Youth Enrichment Program of any liability once my child has signed out from the program or leaves the program without signing out.
12. BSASC will connect with teachers to provide academic assistance. Children with disabilities will receive specialized assistance as available.